Welcoming two new graduate researchers!

We’re excited to welcome two graduate researchers to the ESOLab team starting Spring 2021!

Brian White (left) graduated with his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from UW-Madison in Fall 2020. His research involves design and performance modeling of a new integrated energy system concept that pairs a nuclear lead-fast reactor (LFR) with dispatchable renewables in a system that uses the emerging supercritical carbon dioxide Brayton cycle for power conversion. Brian was an undergrad researcher in the ESOLab prior to joining as a grad student. Brian is co-advised by Prof. Ben Lindley of the Reactor Technology Integration Group (ReTI).

Jacob Wenner (right) also graduated with his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from UW-Madison in Fall 2020. Jacob is researching and designing a new experimental facility at the Wisconsin Energy Institute that enables hardware-in-the-loop demonstration of renewable power systems that involve large thermally-driven generators with mechanical and thermal inertia. Jacob was an undergrad researcher in the ESOLab prior to joining as a grad student. Jacob is co-advised by Prof. Mark Anderson of the Thermal-Hydraulics Lab.

Brian and Jacob will also join the Solar Energy Lab.

Welcome to both!