Git-Bash Installation and Configuration
Git Bash is a command line tool for managing Git repositories. This procedure guides the installation and proper configuration of Git Bash on a local workstation for use with ESOLab repositories.
Git Bash is a command line tool for managing Git repositories. This procedure guides the installation and proper configuration of Git Bash on a local workstation for use with ESOLab repositories.
LaTeX is a document typesetting language used for scientific and mathematical publishing and research writing. It generates clean, well-formatted documents and provides extensive support for references, tables, equations, and other features that can be temperamental in MS Word. This procedure can be used to step through installation and configuration for use with VS Code as the editor.
As an alternative to downloading and installing the LaTeX compiler and development environment on your computer, you can use a web-hosted service such as Overleaf. The video below goes through how to use this tool, but more generally gives pointers on how to write LaTeX documents.
This document provides details on the expectations incumbent upon both student and advisor lab members. This is a statement of our expectations regarding culture, workload, contribution, and interaction among lab members. This version is currently shared among several affiliated energy-related labs in the ME department including the ESOLab.
File: SEL-THL-ME-Mentor-Mentee-Expectations-Ver-1.2.pdfThis Matlab algorithm analytically computes the view factor from polygon A to polygon B.
Full Description | Matlab code
This Matlab algorithm analytically computes the view factor from polygon A to polygon B, so long as the following conditions are met:
1) polygons are planar (all vertices lie in the same plane)
2) polygons are simple (no self-intersecting polygons)
3) polygons are convex (in theory, concave polygons should work, but this remains untested)
Author: Jacob Kerkhoff, 2021
Admin rights are managed by the department and by CAE and use should be avoided when possible. Some tasks (like installing lab software or changing environment settings) require admin rights. This procedure outlines the steps to elevate permissions to administrator when completing a task.
Listing of courses offered at the graduate level related to optimization
A full listing of courses and more information can be found here. The following courses are often recommended and relevant for energy systems optimization research, and a sample progression is noted with “*”.
The ESOLab shares computing resources with affiliated energy systems labs, including the Solar Energy Lab (SEL). This page provides instructions on (1) joining the SEL computer workgroup, (2) mapping shared drives, (3) and connecting to lab printers.
Procedure for configuring Python 3+ installed on a local machine to be used with Pyomo, which is a optimization modeling language developed for compatibility with multiple open-source and commercial solvers, including CPLEX, Gurobi, GLPK, CBC, and others.
This procedure guides new students through the process of installing Python 3 on a local workstation. The procedure uses the 'miniconda' Python distributable.
You may need to access your lab computer when working remotely. This procedure outlines the steps to gain access and work directly on your lab computer while off campus or in another campus lab.